Dictionary / English-Yiddish / Hardcover / Indiana University Press / 2016 / 833 pages

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אַרומנעמיק ענגליש־ייִדיש װערטערבוך | גיטל שעכטער־װישװאַנאַט, הערשל גלעזער (רעדאַקטאָרן)

װערטערבוך ענגליש־ייִדיש האַרטע אײַנבינדונג / אינדיאַנאַ אוניװערסיטעס־פּרעסע/ 2016 / 833 זײַטן

מילון אנגלית־יידיש מקיף | גיטל שעכטער־װישװאַנאַט, הערשל גלעזער (עורכים)

מילונים / אנגלית־יידיש / כריכה קשה / הוצאת אוניברסיטת אינדיאנה / 2016 / 833 עמודים

Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary | Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath, Paul Glasser (Editors)

Dictionary / English-Yiddish / Hardcover / Indiana University Press / 2016 / 833 pages 

Containing nearly 50,000 entries and 33,000 subentries, the Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary emphasizes Yiddish as a living language that is spoken in many places around the world. The late Mordkhe Schaechter collected and researched spoken and literary Yiddish in all its varieties and this landmark dictionary reflects his vision for present-day and future Yiddish usage. The richness of dialect differences and historical developments are noted in entries ranging from "agriculture" to "zoology" and include words and expressions that can be found in classic and contemporary literature, newspapers, and other sources of the written word and have long been used by professionals and tradesmen, in synagogues, at home, in intimate life, and wherever Yiddish-speaking Jews have lived and worked.